Have you ever read the New York Times-bestselling book ‘Let Freedom Ring: Winning the War of Liberty over Liberalism” & ” Deliver Us From Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism’ and son many others. If you have, then you probably know the author of those blockbuster books, Sean Hannity, but you ever know about his beautiful wife, Jill Rhodes Hannity? If not then you are in the right place if you want to read more her and her life, full story below.

Jill Rhodes Hannity with her Two Children.
Source: Facebook
When Jill Rhodes Got Married to Sean Hannity?
Jill Rhodes, an ex-columnist for Huntsville Times married Sean Hannity on January 9, 1993. Their relationship developed because both Jill and Sean belonged to the same profession. In the years of 1991, her husband Sean was serving in WVNN radio while she was serving as a political columnist for Huntsville Times. At that time, Sean used to ask her ideas frequently and send her voice mails. Mr. and Mrs. Hannity dated for more than two years and later go hitched. Jill said in an interview with some magazine that she looked at Sean’s face and stated that that is the guy, who is perfect for her than they got married.

Jill Rhodes’s Son Patrick Hannity playing tennis.
Source: longislandtennismagazine.com
Jill and her famous husband Sean is blessed with two kids. The senior son, Patrick Hannity, was born in the year of 199 and a daughter, Merri Kelly, in the years of 2002. Her son Patrick is now at the age of 18, and daughter reached at 15. They are loving and responsible towards their babies. Jill’s both kids are interested in tennis. Well, her husband said in an interview that, most of his spare time is spent shagging tennis balls for his children or doing something else with them.

Jill Hannity’s daughter Merri Kelly playing tennis.
Source: newsday.com
When and How Jill Met with her Husband: Dating or Love Life?
Intrigued by each idea and voice mail message, both Jill and Sean began developing a soft corner for one another. Once, her husband Sean asked her to attend a mayoral debate with him, and it was a date, official first dating of them. Jill couldn’t refuse the request. Jill looked at his face and thought “This guy is perfect for me and I’m going to marry.”
Is Jill Rhodes and Sean Hannity Got Divorce Secretly?
But lately, they are facing hard times in their married life, her husband Sean admitted in 2013 that he began lusting after ladies other than his wife. After this confession, many have been assuming that the relationship between Jill and Sean has turned sour. But as there has been no official clarification story about their divorce or souring wedding, such assumptions can’t be valid.
Was her wedding with Sean in Trouble when she made the remark? Do you know about the other ladies who have won her husband Sean Hannity’s, heart? Also Jill Hannity weight loss, Facebook, wiki! Keep in touch with us we’ll reveal all about these soon!